Love of Tasseo
Ingredients: Sage Leaf, Spearmint Leaf, Stinging Nettle, Mullein Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf, Hyssop Leaf
Love of Tasseo. Elixirs77 created this tea to pay homage to those who use tea and intuition as a connection to divination. Tasseomancy or Tea Leaf Reading is an art of Divination that has been practiced by many cultures for centuries from China to all through Europe, many have practiced the art of seeing futures, fortunes, and stories in tea leaves. Elixirs77 would like to contribute to the practice of leaf reading with our version of a Tasseographic tea. We start with Sage Leaves as the base herb for this blend, we then added one herbal leaf from each of our tea blends to create our rendition we think will draw out the intuitive ability of all interested in tea leaf reading, novice and experienced readers. Our Tasseo tea has traditional mint flavors with all the nutritional benefits of our other teas*. Great with a squeeze of lemon and honey. Great for reading leaves or just enjoying as your morning, afternoon or evening tea.
Instruction to read leaves: bring water to boiling temperature, in small pot or tea kettle. pour over loose tea leaves (1/2 tbs of leaves) that are in a large tea cup (do not use a strainer) let steep for 10-15 minutes for a stronger infusion. Drink the tea and let the remaining leaves stay in the cup. It is best to leave just a little bit of liquid in the cup as you finish your cup, swirl the tea leafs and remaining liquid around, place the tea saucers on top of the cup and turn it over turn the cup clock wise on the saucer three times. Turn it back right side up. Then read the leaves as you see them in the cup.
*Certain herbs may be safe for some, yet dangerous for others.
IF YOU USE OR DO NOT USE MEDICATIONS OR ARE PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING, PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN TO BE SURE IT IS SAFE TO INTAKE HERBS FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. THE HERBAL BLENDS BY ELIXIRS 77 ARE NOT TREATMENTS FOR ANY DIAGNOSED OR UNDIAGNOSED DISEASE. Consult a qualified physician before taking herbal supplements, do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an Ayurvedic or herbal preparation without consulting a qualified physician, please be aware that some herbs may cause an allergic reaction. The herbal blends by Elixirs77 are not treatments for any diagnosed or undiagnosed disease.
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Tea Blends

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